רבי שמעון בן לקיש אכשר בחודא דכובעא קרי עליה רבי יוחנן גיסא גיסא-חולין יח
רש"י- ד"ה גיסא "הגס הגס כלומר יותר מדי הכשרת
It is well known that Reish Lokish was R' Yochanan's brother-in-law http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reish_Lakish#Resh_Lakish_and_Yochanan. The hebrew word for brother-in-law is גיס. R' Yochanan was also telling Reish Lakish that he slaughtered to far up. He should have slaughtered on a different side of the animal (aramaic גיסא) .
A triple-entendre.