I'm not cerain why he used the term "Minus" for most of this list!! Interesting that it is somewhat different then the list in Parshas Mordechai.
A letter from R' Benet to R Tzvi Hirsch Berlin, the fsther of R Saul can be found here. - literary supplement No. 6 53-55 No. 9 140-141.

On the publisher of this letter, Solomon Rosenthal - See YY Greenwald - Toldot Mishpachat Rosenthal (available at Hebrewbooks.org). [Update: I see now that this is the very same letter that appears in Parshas Mordechai - of course without credit to Orient.]
[In the same newspaper, I noticed a review of ShuT Chasam Sofer See Issue 15 pg. 247 of the PDF, and an article by Raphael Kirscheim on "Juden und Pesach" pg. 185 (202) of PDF.]
I don't know about chastising them for not giving credit to Orient.
See Feiner in The Jewish Enlightenment Notes to page 335-337 where he brings this letter from a sefer published in Budapest 1894
Alright, so theyt didn't ptovide proper attribution to Shai LaMoreh which quotes Rosenthal same story but I will update the post,
I didn't mean to jump on you- I was only pointing it out.
A side oddity is why Feiner says it was printed in '94 when it was in '95, though I guess thats beter than Talya Fishman who when she quotes it says it was '91.
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