Lots of great stuff in the April update, including: R'
Zevin's Ishim V'
Shittos, Shir's
Nachlat Yehuda containing
hasagot to
Kunitz's Bar
Yochai and his
Erech Millin, R Chaim
Tchernowitz (
Rav Tzair)
Siddur Tefillah Shel
Toim U'
Matim (on
Mordechai Kaplan's Siddur) and his
Kitzur Talmud (on this work, see his biographical sketch of Mendel
Mocher Seforim (
Abramowitz) in his
Maseches Zichronos - will post later), also a
Kitzur Talmud from Ephraim
Pinner, some books from R Chaim
Hirschenson, and some stuff by
Avrohom Berliner, some of
Reuvein Margolios's books,
Sdeim Chemed's Pekuos HaSadeh which has some interesting letters, some interesting
Kuntreisim from R Kook, some of
Nosson Birnbaum's Kesavim (on him see the very
insightful essay of Moshe
Leiter in
HaDarom), and lots more.
תשואת חן חן להם
Update: I mentioned Tchernowitz's Kitzur Talmud. The impetus for his work was likely the following conversation with
Mendel Mocher Seforim:
Is it V'Shittos or U'Shittos? I suppose you would be one to know.
Ve-shittos, no? I think it would only be u-shitos if it was a sheva under the shin.
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