Monday, December 15, 2008

and not everything published need be blogged..- On Gedolim stories


  1. Where is this from?

  2. I found it on Otzar HaChochmah. The story concerns the Rogatchover and is told by Chayim Bloch who is known as a forger who put out so-called "letters" from the Rogatchover. The story is probably also made-up.

  3. That belongs in the post, don't you think??

  4. Daniel, I hid, why must you reveal?

    Bloch had a very sharp correspondence with the late Lubavitcher Rebbe on the subject of these "letters" (I could tell the foregery from his letter from the Torah Temimah - which don't fit the character at all.)

    Most of his stories seem credible and I don't see anything to be gained from creating them but as you say...כך הוא עונשו של בדאי

  5. well the rogatchover was famously otherworldy so that's unbelievable. i didn't believe the story even before I saw mention of who it's ostensibly about.
