Monday, May 5, 2008

Mar Shmuel available on line

R' Dovid Tzvi Hoffmann's doctorate - Mar Samuel is now available online both at Google Books and the Internet archive.

While in the archive, you can also check out his son-in-laws biography of him here. in Louis Ginzberg's monograph on him in "Student,Scholars, and Saints" here.

(Ginzberg's doctoral dissertation on "The Agaddah in the writings of the Church Fathers" is also available.)


  1. >R' Dovid Tzvi Hoffmann's doctorate - Mar Samuel is now available online both at Google Books and the Internet arcive.

    So, can you read it?

  2. I wish. I can get the gist of it using a translator but its a pain in the neck.

    Perhaps someone wants to volunteer...
