רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר אין עושין נפשות לצדיקים דבריהם הן הן זכרונן ירושלמי שקלים פ"ב ה"ה
Monday, March 30, 2009
And just in time for Pesach, the JSIJ has added an extensive article "ON THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE AND MEANING OF MAH NISHTANNAH AND THE HISTORY OF ITS
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
End letter - אגרת המיוחס הר"י אייבשיץ על האגדות

The following excerpt:
ועבור זה נתטפשו הרבה מתוכנ' קופרניקוס וסעייתו באמרם שהארץ מסבב אבל שקר נחלו והאמת עד לעצמו כי הארץ לעולם עומדת... (יערות דבש, חלק א, דרוש ד, דף לו ע"א).
(Neher, idem, p. 253, is incorrect when he writes that Eybshutz was positive towards Copernicus' theory). "
See also here on the well known explanation of R' Yonoson Eibschutz that the Tower of Bavel was actually some sort of proto-rocketship. I'm not certain which books he refers to -וכבר חברו בזה חיבורים איך לעשות ספינה כזה לילך לכדור הירחי
(although a Google search might be useful here)
but his rocket sounds a bit like the one in Jules Verne - "From the Earth to the Moon" (written decades after RYE's passing).
Thursday, March 19, 2009
A footnote on Jewish footnotes

See also R Y Nissim Yayn HaTov 1: YD 11 for a discussion of R' Yaakov Meir's acceptance of the cross of honor (or some other type of Medal). And R Y Messas Mayim Chaim 2:YD 74 who insists that the cross doesn't count as a religious symbol unless a man is attached to it [!!!] and that in any event it has been clarified from Christian and their sources that the Cross is only as a reminder of the crucifixion and is not a religious symbol[?].
A letter from R' Yonoson Eibschutz regarding a little known polemic in the Emden-Eibschutz controversy
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
טוב שבאסיים...
While we will not be able to really judge Elior's hypothesis until it is actually presented to us in its book form, I'd like to make a couple of comments. First, that Josephus's portrayal of Essenes (and Pharisees, and Sadducees) is somewhat problematic is well known. As you can see here, Josephus did attempt to have the various Jewish sects correspond to Greek philosophies for apologetic reasons and he was not above manipulating some of the details to suit his purposes.
Most of Eliors arguments , in her note here seem to arguments from absence. The lack of references to Essenes in Rabbinic literature or the NT is of no more significance then the lack of references to the "Na-Nach's" on this blog.
R Reuvein Margoliyot did try to find an indirect reference to the Essenes in the Talmud, I think he is wrong but its worth repeating anyway. On the statement (end of tractate Kiddushin) טוב שברופאים לגיהנים - Margoliyot suggests rather cryptically that one who understands the history of the beginning of the group of Essenes will understand. I think he is making some type of connection between the word אסיא - healer and Essenes but I don't think it works.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Chess in Jewish theology and practice

Friday, March 13, 2009
More on "Discomfort with Kabbalah"

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
New seforim from hebrewbooks.org
[Update: S. informs us that this refers to Johann Capar Lavater inventor of the "science" of phrenology. He is infamous for his famous attempt to convert Mendelssohn. According to A. Altmann, he diagnosed Mendelssohn as being essentially a Christian based on the shape of his forehead (or something like that - I don't have the book before me.) There are (unreadable) notes on the sefer (from one of the Rebbes?). Chochmas HaPartzuf is considered a big thing by Mekubbalim. I certainluy hope that the Rebbe/s don't give advice based on Lavater's science!!!!!]
2 - Limud Arukh -from son of R S. B. Bamberger (R' S. B. added some comments). Note his backwords reference to Shir as author of Toledot R' Nosson. (R' Berel Wein seems to think there was some sort of dispute between Shir and R' Bamberger but I don't see any record of this. Anyone know what he refers to?) see also Moreh L'Zovchim by the same.
3 - L' Chaker Sheiltos R' Achai - B M Levin
4 - A polemic against Shulchan Melachim - a commentary on Kitzur Shullchan Arukh by R Moshe Tzvi Landau - by R Yitzchak Sternhall (his Kokhvei Yitzchak is also on Hebrewbooks.org) who was a bit of a character.
5 - למען השבת - from R' Herzog
6 - S'ridei Eish's - L' Perakim - first edition (there were some slight changes in the second edition - will try to post later)
7 - Rashba's Maamer Al Yishmael with biography - Does Naor know of this edition?
8 - Y N Epstein's mammoth Mevo L' Nusach HaMishna 1, 2 and on Tosefta (correction (thanks to andy - not Albeck but R Shlomo Friedlander - the Cheishik Shlomon). Cf. Chanoch Albeck Mechkarim.
9 - Y A Modena - Magen V' Tzinah (against Christianity)- Geiger edition
10 - on the Rashi to Bereishis Rabbah
11 - Intro to Perek Chelek (where the Ikkarim are first formulated)
12 - R' Dovid Tzvi Hoffmann - Midrash HaGadol 1, 2 (he reconstructed Mekhilta D' Rashbi using the Midrash HaGadol) also his Midrash Tannoim
13 - R S Lieberman's Midrashei Teiman.
14 - Pedagogical Sefer on Talmud from R C Hirschenson
and many more
[15 See also commentary on R Y Eibschutz's Kreisi U Pleisi - with notice from the learned censor Karl Fischer]
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The positive-historical Maharshah vs. the Hirschian Rashash

and the following response of Rashash: